Life Goals Change

For the longest time, my definition of what it meant to be successful involve glorification or increased social status. Starting around middle school, I would divert time and effort from things I actually enjoyed doing to activities I thought would give me some kind of greater reward than doing the actions themselves. It started with doing activities that I thought would make me appear stronger and fit in more like sports, which I’ve talked about in another post about how little I actually had in playing the sports I participated in. It later turned in what could potentially make me … Continue reading Life Goals Change

Hard Times

Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.  G. Michael Hopf To be a millennial is to have experienced both the 2008 global financial recession and the Covid-19 pandemic. At the same time when other generations where building their life, buying homes, and saving for retirement, millennials are being faced by massive challenges both psychologically and financial. Millennials have come of age at a time when just getting by is considered doing well and many have forgotten the white picket fence dream of previous generations. But in all the strife and struggles our generation … Continue reading Hard Times

The People You Meet in College

I was thinking about the different people I met in college the other day. One thing about the people you meet in college is some of them will be the best people you have ever met in your life, and some of them will be the worst. Your early to mid twenties is when you either become an adult or you don’t and some people just cannot move past their teenage self. So they become manipulative assholes because that is the only way they can survive stuck in their almost an adult state. But the people who can turn into … Continue reading The People You Meet in College

Twenties Indecision

I have always struggled with indecision as far as long term plans. When I was growing up, my career interest changed on an almost weekly basis, which lasted through most of college. I was always jealous of people who knew or claimed to know exactly what they wanted to do with their life. But now I realize that its okay to have indecision in your twenties. In fact, its normal. I first started out college as a chemistry major. I was not actually that interested in chemistry, but at the time, I thought I wanted to be a pharmacist because I … Continue reading Twenties Indecision