The Beauty of Mediocrity

There is this consensus in modern society that everyone needs to be extraordinary in some way and to be average or mediocre is to be damned to the worst fate possible. It seems everyone is trying to start their own multibillion dollar company or change the world in some momentous way. But most people will not do any of those things. So what is wrong with mediocrity anyway? You browse any form of media today and there is a multitude of so called success stories of people who started out with nothing and formed their own extremely successful business or … Continue reading The Beauty of Mediocrity

Eight Reasons Why List Articles are Popular.

I feel like over half of the articles I see written today are list articles or listicles for short. For example, nine restaurants you have to try or twenty great things about the nineties. The content of the articles cover topics about everything you can imagine from serious content about how to improve your job interview skills to completely absurd content like a list of the most useless products you can buy. So why did list articles become so popular? Here are some reasons why in the form of a list. Sites like Buzzfeed and Cracked started doing them. The … Continue reading Eight Reasons Why List Articles are Popular.

How Social Isolation Causes Conspiracy Theories

A while ago, I watched Behind the Curve, a documentary on people who believe the earth is flat. Even though the film was meant to be comical and light hearted, it did give an interesting look at how conspiracy theories spread on social media and how darker conspiracy theories like QAnon can gain popularity. The main ingredients for a conspiracy theory are feeling socially isolated and the need to blame someone with perceived power for their social exclusion. The main protagonist in Behind the Curve was a middle aged unemployed man named Mark, who lived with his mother. His free … Continue reading How Social Isolation Causes Conspiracy Theories

Thoughts as a Millennial in the Workforce

My first job out of college was at a large bank where most of the people I worked with were in their forties and fifties. The nature of the work was like any corporate office gig, cubicles every where, repetitive work, some guy always asking for his red stapler, you get the picture. In a time were many people age are fixated on the gig economy or how to make money by being their own boss, I felt somewhat out of place at my first “corporate job.” When you are looking for you first job after graduating college, you feel pressured … Continue reading Thoughts as a Millennial in the Workforce

Eras of the Internet

The internet has gone through several distinct eras or phases since it first became public on March 12, 1991. The characteristics of the different eras are mostly effected by website trends and how many people were using the internet during that period. For example, the internet in 2007 was much different from the internet today even though much of the social media and ecommerce sites available today were also available in 2007. Here is what I consider to be the four different eras of the internet: 1991-1998: The earliest days of the internet were also the most exclusive. Graphics were … Continue reading Eras of the Internet

Playing Around on Canva Some More

Here are some more designs I made using Canva. As you can tell, I like using dark backgrounds with light or neon text. When using background pictures, I like using pictures of urban environments at night which gives the post a serious post modern vibe like the center and left design. The design on the right, I went for a more retro approach while still following the dark back ground light text color scheme. The best part about Canva other than being free, is the images create are easily shared to any media platform whether it be Instagram, Facebook, or … Continue reading Playing Around on Canva Some More

The Decline of Twitter

Twitter has become my least favorite social media platform. Twitter’s main purpose was to share memes, funny one liners, and short hot takes on various topics. However, Twitter has become an echo chamber were people only follow people who think the exact same as they do and tweet whatever they think will get them the most likes and re-tweets. The echo chamber effect along with Twitters character limit of 280 characters has basically create sensationalized journalism on steroids. Twitter’s original purpose was a platform to share funny one-liners, memes, and hot takes on various topics. However, it has morphed into … Continue reading The Decline of Twitter


An interesting thought I had yesterday was how much less stuff people worried about in 1997 verse today. The most obvious difference was there was not a Covid-19 pandemic going on in the United States in 1997, but the virus aside, people have been increasingly on edge at least in the US. There are a verity of reasons for this, two of the main reasons being the over use of social media and economic destabilization. There was a time in the US when you could find a job that paid a comfortable salary and a pension with just a high … Continue reading 1997